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How to Eat Prunes

How to Eat Prunes to Stay healthy and Side Effects

How to eat prunes is not a myth that needs to be decoded by a magical whim nor by a special qualification but by a simple common sense of what works for your body type. So, in this blog, we are going to attempt to show you some general things to look out for when consuming this awesome fruit.

Plums are great for your health, and you should consume them regularly. But you should know how to eat plums to avoid its side effects and gain incredible health benefits.

This is how to eat Prunes:

  • Desserts
  • In Salads
  • Drink the juice.

Don’t overconsume plums, go for at least 138kcal daily.

The health benefits of plums cannot be understated. You should consume it regularly if you want to live a healthy life.

However, you should be careful when it comes to buying commercially available plum juices. Some of them might contain high amounts of sugar and preservatives.

Side effects of plums

There are also some side effects of plums you should know about. These side effects of plums usually result from too much consumption of plums. They include

Intestinal gas and bloating: Plum contains sorbitol, a sugar that can cause gas and bloating. Sorbitol is a major component of foods that you fart.

Dark stools: Consuming an excessive amount of plums can cause you to defecate dark stools.

Diarrhoea and constipation:

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